Major Updates
npm breaking changes
- gatsby 5 upgrades section
- amplify v5 and amplify-ui v4
- amplify-ui v3
- jest v29
- mdx v2
- testing-library v13/14
- jest 28
- react v18
- react-hook-form v7
- material ui v5
- typescript v4
One of the best features of the npm system is the ability to easily see and coordinate major upgrades on dependent packages.
These upgrade notes are a little rough and mostly for my own use.
amplify v4.3.x to v5.0.x
(ui v3.6.0 to v4.0.x)
no default Amplify import, change line in gatsby-browser.js
import Amplify from 'aws-amplify';
import { Amplify } from 'aws-amplify';
install (in this order, don't combine npm i)
- npm i aws-amplify@5
- npm i @aws-amplify/ui-react@4
- rimraf node_modules
- del package-lock.json
- npm i
v1.2.26 to v3.5.1
- New Authenticator component
npm i @aws-amplify/ui-react@3
This change required substantial code modification to the layout component. more info in the WD amplify-ui guide
This change required npm re-install:
rimraf node_modules
del package-lock.json
npm i
upgrade guide 03/22 and the full react changelog
- node docs
- node 16?
Updating react to v18 will force an upgrade to testing-library(13 and user event to 14), jest v28+, and gatsby v4+ use
npm uninstall @mui/styles gatsby-query-params
npm i use-query-params gatsby-plugin-use-query-params
the mui package @mui/styles does not support v18, this will bite when you run a decent version of npm or yarn with node18
using npm9 shows the issues with gatsby-query-params
useTransition hook - non-urgent updates with spinner
strict is mostly stricter
- re-usable state
- components can now render undefined
ts children sould now be specified explicity in interface,
- children?: React.ReactNode;
batch re-render, disable with flushSync
npm i react@18 react-dom@18
npm i --save-dev @types/react@18 @types/react-dom@18 @types/node@18
npm i --save-dev react-test-renderer@18 @types/react-test-renderer@18